Better health
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. And the benefits start sooner than you might think!
Enjoy a better quality of life
When you quit smoking, you’ll benefit from:
- breathing easier
- better energy levels
- improved oral health
- skin looking brighter
- boosted immune system
- living longer
- reduced risk of serious illness

What happens when you stop smoking?
- pulse and heart rate return to normal
- oxygen levels recover
- the carbon monoxide in your blood reduces by half
- nicotine leaves your body
- carbon monoxide levels drop to zero
- lungs start to clear out mucus
- sense of smell and taste improves
- breathing gets easier and shortness of breath reduces
- energy levels rise
- nicotine levels are now zero
- blood pumps through your heart and muscles much better
- circulation improves, making walking and exercise easier
- immune system is boosted, making it easier to fight colds and flu
- withdrawal symptoms start to pass
- lung function increases by up to 10%
- coughs, wheezing and breathing problems become less severe
- your risk of having a heart attack will have halved
- after 5 years, your risk of having a stroke is the same as a non-smoker
- after 10 years, your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker
Reduce your risk of serious illness
When it comes to smoking, the figures are stark: one in two smokers will die early. Quitting smoking will reduce your risk of:
- cancer
- stroke
- heart attack
- lung disease
- emphysema
If you have an existing health condition that is caused by or made worse by smoking, then the best thing you can do for your health is to quit smoking.
Going into hospital?
Did you know smoking changes your blood composition, meaning it takes longer for wounds to heal and increases the risk of infection? That’s why it’s highly recommended that you stop smoking before having an operation.
Reasons to quit

How to quit

Quit Support